Saturday, October 5, 2013

Emax 30a ESC User Manual

Emax 30a ESC User Manual - Emax 30A ESC typically used by remote control plane, the following is a guide to use when you feel the need can be found here. Observe your ESC temperature. if excessive heat immediately to remove the battery because if left esc will burn. it could happen not only at Emax esc alone but could for all models esc. usually battery specifications you give too high that could not accommodate the esc causing overload. below are some symptom that could have been inflicted on the esc if the specs is not suitable:

1. Eexcessive heat
2. Sounds that indicate an error code
3. Not respond when battery is connected
4. Heat on the cable

So hopefully Emax ESC 30A User Manual can be useful for you.
Readmore → Emax 30a ESC User Manual

Setup Align Trex Se on Spektrum DX6

T-REX 450 Setup Guide
Align Trex Se settings on Spectrum DX6 radio, the first is to move the radio settings to the CCPM helicopter mode.further so you can fly helicopters subtle, necessary arrangements on linkage, pitch and throttle curves. even assuming all instructions are exactly the same is not necessarily you get the best results. note also the servo reversing, push rood, gyro gain, esc, etc this could be one factor in the good and bad results of your settings.It is recommended not to skip any explanation here note any important point and immediately apply to your radio or helicopter.

Complete guide can be found here, all focus on Setup Align Trex Se on Spektrum DX6. This will help you make the best settings especially if you are a beginner in aeromodelling
Readmore → Setup Align Trex Se on Spektrum DX6

Tyrann 450 ESC Manual and Wiring diagram

Tyrann 450 ESC Manual and Wiring diagram
Tyrann 450 ESC Wiring diagram

Tyrann esc 450 can be used also for Lithium-Ion / Lithium-Polymer or Nickel Metal Hydride / Nickel Cadmium some extreme features include low output resistance, super current endurance. can do a cut-off if the voltage is low. Other protection is over-heat protection and throttle signal termination if the signal loss.

there are 3 start modes namely operating mode Normal / Soft / Super-Soft, so it is good for fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters. to throttle can be configured based on all transmitters currently available lots market. otherwise very fine esc, linear throttle response and precise transition. to support separate IC voltage regulators for microprocessors (except Pentium and Pentium-6A-10A), giving anti-jamming capability is good. that not all esc have this feature. to access the motor can support up to 210000 RPM motor speed for 2 poles, 70,000 RPM for 6 poles and the latter at 12 pole 35000 RPM. completeness of information Tyrann 450 ESC Manual and Wiring diagram you can find here
Readmore → Tyrann 450 ESC Manual and Wiring diagram

Turnigy accucell 6 manual

Turnigy accucell 6 manual, you should read before using this charger, the subject described the dangers that may be caused if you do not follow instructions correctly use.

In this accucell Turnigy guide, you will know how to do programming for faster future use. This charger supports up to 6 lipo batteries to be able to do simultaneously charging you require additional other accecories. to get the Turnigy accucell 6 user manual can be found on this page
Readmore → Turnigy accucell 6 manual

2S/3S Turnigy Charger Manual

Turnigy Charger Manual
Turnigy Charger Manual
Using Lithium Polymer (LiPo) will not be separated from recharging. here we share the manual charging by using 2S/3S Turnigy Charger. charger is not as popular as others, but I'm sure most people would need this are always advised to read every guide for security. on 2S/3S Turnigy Charger Manual explained that before using it, make sure all instructions are done right. this is to prevent the bad things that could possibly happen. Turnigy Charger 2S/3S guide can be found here.
Readmore → 2S/3S Turnigy Charger Manual

Phoenix RC Pro Simulator User manual

Have you ever played simulator Phoenix R/C Pro? If you are fond of the remote control helicopter or plane, play simulator is highly recommended. This can minimize the risk of spending money to buy a spare part. lol how difficult playing rc remote control if you are a beginner. I also experienced it. I am lucky bicause found phoenix rc pro simulator than an image that looks like a real, weather conditions can be set. truly remarkable. here I share where here you can get a phoenix rc pro simulator user manual. you can learn how to play with the simulator as a stage to be able to fly a remote control helicopter or plane.

Phoenix rc pro simulator user manual describes the basic usage and equipment needed in addition to the remote control, as well as your computer specifications. to get good performance simulator phonix not require you to use the pc spec is not too high. so do not worry if you do not currently have a pc with high spec. to get a phoenix rc pro simulator user manual can be found on this page
Readmore → Phoenix RC Pro Simulator User manual