Thursday, January 31, 2013

Silverlit space Phonix remote control

Directly from the outer space, the space of Phoenix in this world seems to be landed. The novelty of the space fleet of Silverlit kidnapped beginners as well as experienced pilots in the depths of the universe. With the help of double-rotor system and a tail rotor, the guarantees only 46 grams light 3-channel Heli/flyer in the necessary stability for a safe control.

Silverlit space Phonix remote control Despite the used styrofoam-like material the space Phoenix what made visually.
Durability Has so far survived all crashes without damage.Handling/control behavior During the first flight, the space Phoenix drifted off to the left and turned also to the vertical axis to left. Over the knob left above the right stick, the drift was very quick to get into the handle. Quickly, also turning away can be turned off using the trim buttons below the right stick. Rotation around the vertical axis must be newly trimmed prior to each flight.

During the flight must not to be trimmed however. Just during the first flight, it makes sense to start the space Phoenix out of hand. In General, the space Phoenix is not quite as nimble as a Koaxhelikopter. Rückwärtsfliegen is not possible. The duration of the flight is approx. 6 min. controlled space Phoenix is different than Koaxhelis, via flaps left and right of the fuselage.

Charging on the transmitter takes approx. 30 min. Space Phonix have A flashing LED in various colours space Phoenix has on the nose. The Silverlit space Phoenix delivers absolutely what it promises! The design of the "Spacey space look" succeeded in very and will delight lovers of scale and science fiction fans as well as technophiles. The flight behavior is very stable but still agile to describe. With him it's fun to race with your own 4 walls.

The flight is just great. He is absolutely einsteigertauglich and can be flown to even "fit" children in school age so I think.

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